We are incredibly appreciative of any and every donation that comes to Operation Gift A Smile. For $30, you can be able to gift a Smile Pack to a child. All funds will directly go to the children and family that we help around our community. To stay up to date with your donation - please make sure to follow us on our social media platforms. Fill out the contact box below with any other inquiries related to donations.
Shop Using Amazon Smile
When shopping through Amazon Smile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase to designated charities - like us. Amazon Smile products are the EXACT same price as the normal Amazon you are used to, but you get to support an awesome cause! Select Operation Gift A Smile as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile - and get to shopping!
Volunteer at a “Fix-A-Fleece”
Operation Gift A Smile hosts Fix-A-Fleece events throughout the year in which we hand-tie and assemble the blankets for our Smile Packs, and put together all of the backpacks. These events are not only fun and rewarding, but best of all gifts a smile directly to a child in need. To learn more about when our next event will be, visit our social media platforms or send us a message below.
Host your own “Fix-A-Fleece”
Throw a Fix-A-Fleece event for your next gathering for a fun and unique activity that will make a difference in the lives of the children in need in our community.
Get together a group of family and friends to support our mission and create the fleece blankets included in our Smile Packs for our youth. We'll give you a walk through of how to do it - but I promise the process is simple!
Collect $30 for each of the Smile Packs you intend to make, to go towards the purchase of materials needed
Submit your order and payment online
You will receive your materials by mail or personal delivery and then you are all set to fix-your-fleece!
Return the completed and assembled Smile Pack to go to a child in need.
Have a question? Want to volunteer with one of our future program events? Curious about a unique way to get involved with our mission here at Operation Gift A Smile? We would LOVE to chat. Send us a message below! Also feel free to reach out on our social media platforms.