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Second Chance Program | 2021

We were fortunate enough to present Eduardo, Blanco, and their 4 beautiful children with the keys to their new home. When in your car or motels, saving up money for rent and a deposit on a new home is an incredibly difficult feat, in addition to having to take care of your children. OGS paid for their first and last month’s rent, provided them with groceries and games, and even furnished the house that gets to become their home. We are so proud of and thankful for the efforts made by our team, volunteers, and the community for helping make this become a reality! A special thank you to Family Promise and Anthony for working closely with us to make this happen.

Operation Gift A Smile | 2019

Operation Gift A Smile has come far in the two years since it has been founded. Take a look back at what we have done so far - and feel inspired for the future around the corner! To many more smiles...

​ | Documentaries & Short Films

Operation SafeHouse | 2019

What if there existed a world where teenagers were abandoned, forced out of their homes or ran away from what they thought was home. Truth is, we do live in such a world and that is why we have created a transitional living program to assist young adults into a financially secure and promising future of their own independence. With the collaborative efforts from, Niagara Cares and Sandals Church - Aa positive light that has reminded them they have not been abandoned.

​ | Documentaries & Short Films

Second Chance Program | 2019

We have been searching for a family to help support, gifting them with a "Second Chance" at life. The program called The Candy Second Chance Program was created by Tony after his sister had a life-threatening car accident. Through various funding, a rigorous application and interview process - we were able to discover Summer and Gabriel, a family looking to change for the better after living through years of drug abuse and domestic violence. This mini documentary is to tell the story of the Candy Second Chance Program, and it's first family.

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Family Fridays Christmas Giving | 2018

As we close out 2017, it's been an impactful year. We've supported several families in the Anaheim area through Family Fridays, offering free pizza from Pizza Hut, bottled water from Niagara Cares and, through our own funding, various toys and games for the kids. OGS has sent relief in the form of blankets and smile packs to Costa Rica as well as the victims of the Sonoma County Fires this year.

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A Thankful Family Friday | 2017

With day light savings the sun sets much earlier these days. However, that hasn't stopped Operation Gift A Smile from delivering hot meals, water and games to the motel families in Anaheim, CA. This one truly hits home as a new family we met last month is still here, with a young boy named Jonathan showing us how a simple smile can warm a heart.

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Family Fridays "Da Bomb #1" | 2017

A simple thank you can go a long way. Family Fridays have turned out to be one of my most favorite times of the month as the expression of gratitude and appreciation from these families reminds me of how we can all be more thankful.

​ | Documentaries & Short Films

Family Fridays "The Dom Special" | 2017

Many people aren't aware of the families living in motels around orange county. These families (including Dominic's) work hard each day to provide a new life for their children, siblings, husbands and wives. Dom was so happy to see Operation Gift A Smile this day, just hear how pumped he is when Tony Jakstis (CEO) ask's Pizza Hut if we have "The Dom Special" for him, Hope you enjoy and take to heart the struggles of these motel families in orange county.

​ | Documentaries & Short Films

© 2023 by OPERATION GIFT A SMILE is a 501(c)3 non-profit that helps at risk children.

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